Wednesday, February 7, 2007


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Do you play golf? I do not. Aside from having environmental concerns (the destruction of wetlands and water polluting with landscaping chemicals), I just don't have the patience for it. But I live in a golfing community (as does 90% of Naples residents) and to most, it is a religion - they dream, talk and breathe golf (especially the men).
As the popular saying around here goes: "When I die, bury me on the golf course so my husband will visit."; -)

(BTW - J.R.R. Tolkien said that golf originated from hobbits, after Bullroarer Took knocked the goblin king Golfimbul's head off with a wooden club, sending it down a rabbit hole thus winning the battle and inventing golf at the same time.)


rauf said...

interesting information.
Yes You are absolutely right Isabella. like hunting golf too may become an unpopular sport.
Been thinking about writing about my visits to big houses where stuffed heads of wild animals were displayed like trophies. The same is not acceptable now.

Olivier said...

je ne joue pas au golf, pourtant il y en a deux pas trop loin d'Evry.
Mais je prefere le Foot Us ;o)).
j'aime bien les peluches..

I do not play golf, however there are two steps too much far from Evry of them. But I prefer Foot Us; O)). I like the cuddly toys.

Dsole said...

hey, what a sunny day over there!
I don't play golf... I think it's boring... ups sorry! ;) But it's funny what you said about husbands.. :) In Spain there are a lot of them I think it's really bad, cause we're a dry country, there are many problems with water so I don't like to waste it on Golf-fields... but it's a wquestion of money, like everything nowadays :(
Greetings from madrid, isabella, enjoy of your sunny day!

Linda said...

I hate golf too. Mark Twain said it was a nice walk ruined. Mostly I don't like getting out in the heat and the sun. And I do get irritated at seeing all of the courses in the States. What alot of water is used.

Anonymous said...

I love Tolkien -- but not this sport. I'm with you! As pretty as a golf course is, it's not natural.

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

so you're a golfing widow then. Love that saying. I'd quite like to give it a go again actually. Oh no what have i said.

Anonymous said...

I actually played with ol' Bullroarer and let me tell you he was no Tiger Woods!

alice said...

I hate golf and golfers who can speak about their clubs, woods, tees, bunkers, greens, boggey, eagles, par and own high performances for hours and hours. Isabella, comment fais-tu pour résister? Je suis de tout coeur avec toi! ;-)

Nathalie H.D. said...

Fun quote ! My husband's brother and cousins are all into golf and I can't believe how much space it has now taken in their lives! We live next to a golf course but so far have proven completely immune to the disease. Share your environmental concerns...