Saturday, June 16, 2007

Xanadu II

Yesterday, we took a boat trip to my private beach on Big Hickory Island.

Enjoyed our short trip? Did you notice Dog Beach to starboard and catch the dancing dolphins off the port side? Here are some photos from our ride to remind you ;-)

We arrived at the landing dock, situated on the eastern coast of the island. Women and children first!

Can you feel the excitement building? The sun is strong, the breeze is light and the seagulls are calling our names...


Nikon said...

Sorry I missed the voyage yesterday - I hope to have see of bikinis to take photos of :)

Nikon said...

You know what I mean.......

freefalling said...

I've read so many blogs lately, from the other side of the world, all talking about summer, but it's hard to relate when you are in the grip of winter. But this photo captures the feeling of summer beautifully - it's transported me back to long, hot days.

lv2scpbk said...

The walk to the beach. The anticipation of getting there. Yes, I can feel it.

Today I posted the Auction Barn.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was "Women and children first!"? So what is that guy doing there?
I remember the Titanic where some men dressed as women just to get off, is this the same?

sonia a. mascaro said...

Looks a beautiful place! I'd want to be there all day!


Paradise here I come!!! Great shots!

Anonymous said...

I came from your frog here and whatI found out - too hot, absolutely too hot! But I can manage, if I swim - in cool water, do you have cool enough in your sea?

Nice hot days on your island, I am happy for you :)

Ming the Merciless said...

You sound too excited. :-)