"We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open." -- Jawaharlal Nehru
One of the things I love about Florida - just seconds after the rain abated, the sun shines through...
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Apres la pluie le beau temps.
Sorry I missed your bottlebrush of a few days ago, of course it is native from Australia and I have a big one in my garden. Love them.
Very nice sunny pic. Those flowers seem to be everywhere in Naples :)
dire que j'ai faillit rater le seul jour sans soleil de ton petit paradis ;o) mais il est vite revenu, je suis sur qu'il a une maison chez vous mister soleil.
to say that I have failed to miss the only day without sun by your small paradise ;O) but it quickly returned, I am on it has a house on your premise mister sun.
That's why we call it "liquid sunshine" in Florida...
I love the odor outside after a rain. Some great fragrances get released. I hope you get lots of rain this season-as I hear there is a major drought-but no hurricances.
love the sun just after rains....sometimes it brings rainbows too...:)
On our premises it is the opposite it rains sometimes after the sun
the Breton proverb said
if you see the headlight, it will rain
if you do not see the headlight it rains
So "Barry" was not too bad? Good! The garden really looks nice after this "freshening up"!
I hope you get lots like Barry this year, rain but no destruction.
Sun, after rain, it's even more shining. A very beautiful photo of a very beatiful place.
I am glad you all got the rain. We can still use rain but Nature is being stingy with it. Your photograph is really wonderful.
Abraham Lincoln's kidney stone attack...
I rolled on the floor, puked, screamed, and passed out. When I woke up the neighbor was gone.
Brookville Daily Photo
Beautiful photo.
Love the photo - the mist to the right. And the quotation.
The light is so "clean" after the rain...all seems to be new!
beautiful, you need the rain for all those gorgeous flowers..
My mama always taught me to appreciate the rain.
And the sandy soil sucks the water away. When I was growing up in Louisiana, you might not get to play in the yard for days after a hard rain. Down here, you can get out and do stuff.
A very inviting path in the photo.
Sunny and gorgeous!
I love how the air smells before the rain..
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