Food for thought
The Village on Venetian Bay, Naples
"Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle."
Dr. Robert Anthony (self-help guru)
Hmmm...Happy weekend everyone!
"We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open." -- Jawaharlal Nehru
The Village on Venetian Bay, Naples
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I love the quote. I should ask myself daily...are you drinking or garling.
"We lived for days on food and water alone."
-W.C. Fields
LOL, I'm sorry but I love W.C. Fields :)
Great photo looking very Italian and I love the quote too-makes you laugh and think.
Just beautiful!!! and the words that go with the photo as perfectly chosen!
Even forgetting about the philosophical message, fountains is really a wonderful "invention"!
Pretty fhoto, congratulations. Have a good weekend
I pretty much gargled in the fountain of mathematics and drank in the fountain of language.
yes, the quote is very appropriate. I guess I'll continue to gargle! The environment for the fountain is wonderful. I posted a similar photo of fountain only on my Maz blog on Feb 21, if you have the time and inclination to look. My links on comment sections don't work as they do on my own posts. And unless I figure out a way....
Great post, Isabella!
Gargle, gargle
By the way, ever wonder where Mardi Gras beads come from? I have photo evidence and I reveal it today on
It could be Naples' version of the Bocca della Verità, but then you wouldn't be able either to drink or gargle; just to be trapped... ;)
I saw the word 'Food...' and thought 'Oh goody, something to eat.' Now I see I need to be attending to my mind. Life is hard at times...
have a great day you too Isabella!
In answer to your post on my blog, we do have deer...but the really great thing is they don't like lavender. Now my roses...
I am definitely a gargler when it comes to knowledge.
Sally's comment was great!
Have a bon weekend!
I really love those words you chose. Enjoy your weekend Isabella !
People gargling from the fountain of knowledge is fine - it's when they spit it out that I get annoyed
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