Thursday, April 19, 2007

Doing wheelies

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OK, so you don't feel like taking the Historic Trolley when touring Naples. You prefer to get up-close and personal with all the beautiful natives...Well, here's another alternative - a Segway Human Transporter! This self-balancing,two-wheeled Segway sports a high-tech gyroscopes that automatically respond to your body's movements, "sensing" when it should speed up and slow down.

You stand on a small platform between left and right wheels as you hold onto handlebars at a waist height. The Segway handles the balancing for you, so that you're always upright as you glide through the city.

And if you fall * in love with this form of transportation - you can take one home with you. For the right price, of course ;-)

*see the fall of Bush


Monica said...

This looks so fun! I read somewhere that in the future it could become pretty affordable.

Kate said...

it's a great capture. It's so much fun when you're in the right place at the right time. I'd love one, but they're pretty pricey!

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

In each your photo colours are so great and it's a great capture as Kate said. Yes, I don't know why, but I ever loved Segway Human Transporter:-)

Nikon said...

They were going to buy these for the countries mailmen, if I rememeber right.
I never seen one here in RI.


Only in America!!! Not that Im saying American's are lazy and unhealthy?!!! Or am I?!!! Hee hee!!! ;-)

Nathalie H.D. said...

Not only in America Glenn, they have them in Paris too for small group guided tours. They start from the foot of the Eiffel tower. I tried one there, great fun!

Is it the same here, Isabella, do they do group visits of Napes?

I'm surprised to see them here, they've actually been somewhat of a let down, they never really took off the way it was originally said they would. Can you tell us more about them in Naples, Isabella?

Nathalie H.D. said...

Sorry I didn't even bother trying an answer to your quiz on Tuesday, I know nothing about dog breeds!

Anonymous said...

I have never tried one of those but for a person who is beginning to have problems stepping on flat stones to cross a creek, I might end up on my hind end. LOL. I like your photo. Today I show my wife, of 52 years, and President Bush's jet that is carrying his automobiles.

Abraham Lincoln

isa said...

Nathalie - there are a few of the Segway tour companies in Naples, so I assume thay are popular. I've enclosed a link in the post to one of them.

Olivier said...

je trouve cela totalement delirant ;o) on en a vu un peu sur Paris, mais (pour l'instant) sans plus, pas de succés. cela me fait bien rire

I find that completely delirious; O) one saw some a little on Paris, but (for the moment) without more, of succés. that makes me well laugh

JAM said...

This is a great shot. This would be a good one for one of those "caption this" contests. As an engineer, I can totally relate to how much like dweebs these folks look. I'd love to ride one of those things, but I'd probably wreck it like The Prez did when he tried to get on one that wasn't turned on and it fell over.

I love this photo, it says a lot. Gee what a beautiful place. Hey look at all of those people on them Segway thingamajigs! Man, that looks like fun! Wait, they look kinda goofy. Would I look that goofy on one? Hmm. Maybe it's better to just watch...

A really fun photo.

Anonymous said...

I am more of a "walker" than a rider. Did you see where George Bush fell off trying to learn how to ride?

rauf said...

one man is picking his nose Isabella, is he a friend of yours ? did you shake hands with him ?

deleted that comment since i posted
it from my mail ID and did it twice
what a mess what a goof i am Isabella

Sally said...

I would love to try one for the novelty! I just read your profile, and discovered A Fine Balance is one of your fave books. Mine too. I just adored it - it makes you laugh and cry. I also adore Jane Austen.

LOL - george Bush falling off a Segway: why didn't we get that footage here????
And, thanks for stopping by and giving me your best wishes. It's very much appreciated!

Victoria said...

I saw a Segway Tour in Kansas City once, and really I couldn't stop staring. Personally, I'd rather walk...

Dsole said...

HAHAHAHAHA!! what a funny link...

Some days ago I get noticed a distant cousin started a business with this kind of things in Madrid. I think I'll have to call him to give me a ride! It seems fun! :)

Gino said...

Section 36-2 of the City of Naples Code of Ordinances:

(a) No person shall ride a bicycle, skateboard, roller skate or in-line skate upon a public or private sidewalk within a business district or shopping center.

It makes me wonder why these abominable devices are being allowed on this sidewalk.

Deb said...

Nice segue from yesterday's post...
---it would seem we have at least 8 citations forthcoming for violating Section 36-2!
Plus I see at least one person violating Section 36-2b of the City of Naples Code of Ordinances:

(a) No person shall ride a bicycle, skateboard, roller skate or in-line skate upon a public or private sidewalk within a business district or shopping center while picking one's nose.

Jilly said...

This made me laugh. If you can't sit on these things, why wouldn't you walk? I looked up the Segway website but couldn't find anywhere how fast these things go.

The best tho was seeing Bush fall over. thankyou for that...

Jilly x

Sally said...

I loved the link : the analysis is as good as the photos!

I can't recall seeing Jane Austen's lap desk - and if I had would certainly remember (I hope). But we did visit the family house at Chawton, and was especially struck by the teensy weensy table she wrote on! Not even the size of the average coffee table these days.

kuanyin333 said...

This is why I like showing up late for the photos...the comments are priceless!

isa said...

Chris & Deb - shouldn't the ordinance "a" specify "while picking his nose"? Otherwise it implies that there are people engaging in picking the noses of others...Even if it is forbidden while riding on the sidewalk ;-)

Eric said...

I think this would be perfect for me and my knees, but the streets of Paris aren't very adapted!

Ming the Merciless said...

I have never been on the Segway before. Would love to try it one day.

Pierre said...

Funny way of visiting a city :)
But I like walking so much...

Olivier said...

j'avais pas vu le lien vers bush, tres bon, apres avoir vu ces photos, j'aime bien ces machines ;o))

I had not seen the bond towards bush, very good, after having seen these photographs, I like these machines ;O))

Deb said...

Isabella-thankfully you and I don't write the ordinances! With my ordinance it does seem to imply that picking your own nose is okay, but stick your finger in someone else's nose and you're lookin' at a stiff fine.
Your ordinance implies that if you're male and caught picking, you'll be cited. But if you're female, PICK IT SISTER!
Shall we pursue this subject further, or are we pretty much done?

Oya said...

I saw this in Paris before. Looks fun. I would have one of those and the other Historic Trolley...

Unknown said...

We have these Segway tours as well, Isabella! I got a shot of them once. I am dying to try it out.