Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Reflections fascinate me. It's like a big puzzle - can you find all the pieces that make up 2 completely diverse pictures? Like this one, taken of an art gallery in Key West.

Or this one, of a funky art gallery in downtown Naples.

And my favorite, yet another art gallery in...can you guess where?


Neva said...

I love the reflections....very fun to see!

Janet said...

A very creative approach...not sure where the art gallery would be...New Orleans? Atlanta?

Olivier said...

une belle série, les reflets se mélangeant bien avec les peintures, j'aime beaucoup l'idée et la réalisation

a beautiful series, the reflections mingling well with paintings, I love the idea and realisation

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

I couldn't begin to unravel them and I'm not sure I should even try - it is a lovely set of pictures.

PeterParis said...

I believe that I have a very good guess, but maybe I'm disqualified? :-))

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this post and the reflected scenes.

Nikon said...

Beautifully done, Isabella, they are all the best of both worlds. The color of a painting and the the sharpness & reality of a photograph.
How about Paris on number 3?

Kate said...

Menton or Paris?

Kate said...

Gotta be Paris!

Lynette said...

Wow! These are absolutely splendid photos. Reflections are fascinating, at the very least.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

I bet on Paris, O Francophile! :)

Jilly said...

What fabulous photographs. I'd guess Paris for number three. These are works of art themselves, Isabella. Wonderful.

Anonymous said...

this portrait with the lady is wonderful!!

Nathalie H.D. said...

Paris of course. Those unmistakable Haussmanian style facades. I absoluty adore that last photo, I wish I'd done it!

Chuckeroon said...

Oooo..quite a feast of reflections. Great to have your foot-print across RuT. BTW...that lurking 'gaitor below is cute. I love the way the eyes and nose just lurk.

Hena Tayeb said...

these are very cool shots.

Anonymous said...

great idea, these pictures look very beautiful