Lost and Found
You can always tell whenever small children have paid a visit to the Canoe Park. There are (not so subtle) reminders scattered all around. Like these rose colored sunglasses left behind on top of a canoe...
or this highly fashionable picture book, forgotten on a bench.
or this highly fashionable picture book, forgotten on a bench.
Were we ever that careless about our possessions as kids? Don't think so. I did not have much...but what I had, I cared about. Maybe that's the secret.
These photos tell the story, huh? I don't recall ever taking much with me when I went somewhere...other than my camera so I could bring home photos.
I have 3 boys and my littlest still talks about the books he lost in the car dealership waiting room. And that was 3 years ago! I agree with asking the question "Do we give our kids too much stuff?"
I've always enjoyed your pics, thanks for today's post. I am back after a few months leave, come check out my pics!
Children leaving their prized belongings in something I have seen everywhere I have traveled. I also know how traumatic it can be for them when the figure out something is missing.
... and the when you get older, you start forgetting things again! (I'm not talking about you!)
Love the shot of the pink sunglasses. My kids used to forget things they took out to play with, and would always remember them once we got home :)
I am sure, there has been a lot of crying because of those things at home.
You have here fine bird photos and then this Big Al - a pet :)
Our spring has started slowly to come !
Have a great day, Isabella!
What a lovely post. When I saw the glasses I thought Dame Edna had landed in Naples! Wouldn't it be nice if the kids were reunited with their possessions. Especially the book. Wouldn't you just have hated to lose a book as a child - or anytime?
I answered your question on Monte Carlo DP, Isabella, but Beau has another abscess. Once it bursts he'll be right as ninepence.
de belles lunettes de jeune starlette. Je suis sur qu'elle plairait a ma jeune nièce.
Beautiful young starlet glasses. I am pleased that it has on my young niece.
Interesting post, as always, Isabella!
I think that forgetting things it depends of each person... my son (32) forget much things than I (65) did! LOL!
Those sunglasses are fabulous!
I'd love a pair like that!
Ilike the shot of the sunglasses, too.
If we forgot things as kids we would run right back & turn the place upside down looking for it.
We didn't have much, either.
pretty losttuffs better tha 'trew away cans and bottles" nice photography :)
I agree with Jilly; the rose-colored glasses look like they belong to Dame Edna Junior. Lovely shots.
Blather From Brooklyn
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