September Theme Day - Street Signs
These are the mean streets of Naples! And some of the alarming signs found there... Hey, you've got your troubles...I've got mine ;-)
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Golfers and alligators - a marriage made in heaven in my book!
Very funny! I love your sense of humor Isabella! Happy Theme Day! Zero troubles---only challenges, eh?
What do people usually feed the alligators with?
keropok made me laugh...oh, how we love to hear the tales of Al and his cousin gator.
Can you feed the golfers to the alligators?
I like the blogger's profiles that have "team members."
You should add Al :)
Funny how others are suggesting a combination of the golfers and the alligators... I think I might not disagree too much... Heehee!
you may change the two tables. Sending golfers to the alligators. Believe me they will hit much better the ball:)
One would have expected nothing less. Brilliant!
Now I know, you feed Golf Course trespassers to the Alligators, it's just another entertainment while traversing the links ;-)
What does everyone seem to have against golfers? Good shot, Isabella.
Very funny signs :-)) Maybe if people fed the alligators these would not be as dangerous for people as they are. I suppose they "hunt" when they are hungry :-)
Alligators and golfers, here too! I like the no trespassing sign the best, mean streets :)Happy theme day.
Oops, I meant the golfers only sign.
Exactly the sort of signs I would have expected from you -- I've just looked at your "weather pixie" with her swimsuit on -- mine's got a woolly jumper and her umbrella up!
Funny ... It's a shame they don't allow golfers and photographers ... I guess we would slow the pace of the game ... if you pay a greens fee can you walk the course and take shots (with your camera) ... You would never have to yell four.
The golfeurs walk on the alligators; it is for that that it have the mouth punt
That would have been a nice place to walk where the golfers are.
hi Isabella - many thanks for your comments at Rabaul.
I love this one - it is a hoot!!!!
So it is true what they say about Florida and retirees - they just play golf and fish!
That's a sign we don't have in Kansas. See ya later - Alligator!
I love it - only in Florida!
I was watching an old episode of Seinfeld last night and I got so excited, they were talking about Florida and mentioned Naples! I've seen that episode a couple of times before and I wonder what I thought they were talking about back then, you know, before I was educated that Naples existed beyond Italy.
Nice one, I like your post and it is funny too ;)
Hi Isabella,
Thanks for visiting my blog and YEH when I find the parents of that "CRAZY laughing baby" I"ll for sure post them on my blog!!! Hahaha :)
Well mostly I post photograpic 'things' with stories about Holland, my travelling and more, But why not some fun somtimes ehh?
BTW I've lived for 6 years in Italy, ad in the States, I've also been in Napels and, "where is your home?" Italy or the USA??? Just wondering,
Come back anytime I like your blog (blogs?) also...
Bye JoAnn :)
EEEEEEEEEEE IZZIDEE, How you've been ? its been a while, i was away on forest treks got back home yesterday
Hope you doin fine sweet Izzi.
Ah ! crawling is not there. i would crawl since walking is prohibited. Did you crawl Izzidee ?
What are those enormous building going up in the background?
They look so out of place.
I love these signs!!! and all that is missing is your live alligator waiting patiently for a golf ball ...or golfer!
Since I read it on your blog I ever asked to myself: "What kind of food do alligatos love?" Meat I suppose but, in this cse, who reasonably might be so fool to go there with a quart of beef to feed them?
Nikon - those are the newest "luxury condominiums with spectacular views of Estero Bay"...
Strange species are golfers. Need special habitat, speak strange language, oust local inhabitants
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