Sunday, April 27, 2008

400th Post and Farewell...

Big Hickory Island Beach

"The sun... has gone... to bed and so must I...

So long...farewell...auf weidersehen... goodbye...


(from The Sound of Music)

Dear blogger friends,

After year and a half and 400 posts, I will be taking an extended leave of absence from this forum. Hopefully it is not a true "goodbye", but rather "until we meet again one day".

If you find yourself missing the brilliant Florida light (and you know you will ;-)), please drop in on my many fellow CDP bloggers around the Sunshine State.

Thank you for your visits, kind comments and friendship. I will miss you and the images of your hometowns and promise to visit, whenever possible. In the meantime -


Anonymous said...

Alas, what is to become of me?

Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing.
Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow.

As Frank exits, a tear is seen, slowly falling...

Unknown said...

Isabella, congratulations and hope you enjoy your break from the daily photo blogging. But I certainly hope you rejoin us!

Anonymous said...

Dear Isabella,
Nice pictures to remember your 400th post and have a great leave. Waiting for your return journey on a cruiser...

Lake Lady said...

Oh wait...some of us newbies have just discovered you and Naples! Oh, know what you need to do for you. Know that you are appreciated....and missed.

Jim Klenke said...

Awesome picture for #400. Have fun doing whatever you want to do. Maybe you will be back.

Chris said...

isabella, congrats on making it to #400. best wishes in your endeavors. i do hope we can meet sometime when i get to ft. myers!

Nikon said...

Great shot for #400, but bittersweet!
You have been a great photo blogger & friend - I hope that all goes superbly for you - you deserve it!

Jilly said...

Oh, you will be missed - but whatever you do - enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

Today, Menton Daily Photo is dedicated to you - it's the best (the only) way I can say it.

Menton Daily Photo

Carraol said...

Congratulations for this beautiful 400th post and lots of luck in whatever you focus your lens!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the memories. I appreciate your photos and congratulations on 400 posts.

Anonymous said...

Well done on reaching 400 posts. Hopefully we will see you and Naples back again one day not to soon

Sally said...

Au revoir.....keep well, and do come back! Have enjoyed your comments, and posts and "visits" to Sydney.

AliceMillerREALTOR said...

Isabella-Your following is bigger than you know and your contribution to the Naples area is appreciated. Make me an Authorized Blog Author and I will continue your journey until your safe return.

Kitty said...

this is my first time to you blog. I'm sorry to see you go!
hope you continue to take beautiful photos. From the looks of it, you will be missed.

Neva said...

Congratulations on your 400th post! I will miss you but look forward to visits when you are back! Have a great time and safe journeys!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Such a stunning sunset for a farewell.
As a newbie, I have someway to go to your marvellous 400. Like lady, I discovered you late, but I can always revisit your older posts. Good luck and thanks for the comments you have left on mine.

GMG said...

Oh no! This is not fair. You're leaving us all among all the alls and with no caretaker... ;)
We'll truly miss you!
Hope you have a great time, wherever you'll be!

isa said...

Frank - we'll always have Paris...

Thien - thanks for stopping by!

Lake lady and Kitty - better late than never ;-)

Jim and Greg - thanks for the visit and good wishes!

Babooshka - nothing will give me more pleasure than knowing that someone is enjoying my take on Naples when I'm gone...

All the rest - thanks and I'll be stopping by to say my goodbyes...

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Oh no... I'm so sad. I will miss your comments never ususal. But, overall, I will miss you. I will wish you everything of good, everything of beautiful, everything... Ciao Isabella mi mancherai.

Kate said...

Thanks for the memories
Of posts I can't forget...

I can't sing like Sinatra, but
the sentiments the same...

You will be missed!!

Thanks for the memories!!!

Anonymous said...

ARGH!!!!! I will miss your cheery photos and stinking beautiful weather! The shots of the beach that made me "hate" you! UGH! How can you say good-bye? Seriously, will miss your quirky humor and happy posts very much.

Lynette said...

Isabella, your blog has been a wonderful spot to visit for wonderful photos full of variety and inspiring text. Thanks for all of that and for coming to see mine, too. I'll be looking, now and then, for your return. Continue to enjoy life as I know you have been doing throughout your CDPB time.

Chuckeroon said...

Aww....shucks. Thanks for everything!

alice said...

It was always a pleasure to discover Naples through your eyes, dear Isabella. Let me know if you come in France (I like your "until we meet again one day")! A bientôt!

• Eliane • said...

Congratulation on 400 posts!!! I have enjoyed visiting your corner of the web. Wherever you're headed to, have tons of fun!!!

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

NO!!!!! i so loved coming here......i really hope you come back to blogging world, even if the frequency of posting drops!!!! I AM GONNA MISS YOU AROUND!!!!! :(((

Eric said...

Are you sure you wanna quit? Look at all your desperate fans Isabella ?!

I'm kidding of course, I know it's hard to post a photo everyday.

Congratulations for doing it for so long though. 400 is much more than what a lot of City daily Photo bloggers are able to achieve.

Bravo ;) and farewell.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

Have a great time and come back refershed with all the tales of your adventures

~tanty~ said...

Goodbye Isabella, you will be missed!

Steve Cuddihy said...

I will miss your wit and silliness Isabella. Good luck with your next adventure.

I'm not sure what I'll do next winter when my photo blog becomes colorless. Where will I get my colorful photo fix now?


Slinger - Daily Photos from the Twin Cities

Meg said...

Have a nice break, Isabella. If your spirit moves, you know you'll always have friends who appreciate your blog.

Janet said...

Isabella, I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing Naples through your eyes and most especially the gator pictures! Hate to see you go. Your post commentary is always as good as your photographs. Happy Trails!

Ben Nakagawa said...

We all hope (and know) you will be back in some time. Take a nice brake, though and visit your favourite site for just see how we are doing.

isa said...

Wow! I am overwhelmed.
Thank you all for your sweet comments and good wishes.
I'm sure Al, the alligator will miss you too ;-) Come visit him!

crittoria said...

Thanks for all your nice comments on my blog. Good luck with your future endeavors. I hope you can continue to visit our blogs. We'll miss you! Good-bye...

Keropokman said...

Oh Isabella,

The Sun has set only today, but it will rise again tomorrow!

Congrats on the 400th! Will you still be doing the monthly themes? I hope you do! :-)

sonia a. mascaro said...

Congratulations on your 400th post, Isabella! I hope you enjoy your break and have much success.
I will be looking for your return!
Many hugs!

Anonymous said...

Ohh, Isabella...I will miss very much your posts and the shiny Florida!

I hope to see you soooon!

Olivier said...

avec un peu de retard, bravo pour ce 400th post et tu nous gates avec cette superbe photo.
Bonne continuité avec tes photos et les poèmes.
with a little delay, bravo for this 400th post and you we pampers with this superb picture.
Good continuity with your photos and poems.

Anonymous said...

Isabella hopefully this is a false leave and you will return under applause. We hope to keep seeing your photos somehow (perhaps on your 'northern' blog?).

Getting the occasional visit will be a treat, your kindness, erudition and sense of humour will be badly missed.

Buy like Jilly I will say whatever you do, enjoy enjoy enjoy. I'm off to Menton now to see what she's got in store for you.

Olivier said...

je viens de comprendre que tu allais faire un break sur DP, alors avec mon bonne continuité je me sens stupide ;o)). Reviens vite, que va devenir ton fan club, et puis qui va nous faire rêver avec ces superbes photos.
Alors a tout de suite miss Isabella
I just understand that you were making a break on DP, then with my good continuity I feel stupid o)). Come back soon, that will become your fan club, and then that will make us dream with these beautiful photos.
So immediately miss Isabella

annulla said...

Isabella, thanks for all the time you've spent to show us the beauty of your world. I've basked in your sunshine on many a cold and snowy (or like today, cold and rainy) day.

You'll be missed, but I hope you are moving on to something that will make you as happy as you've made all your fans.

Hope to see you again soon.

Blather From Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

Isabella, thank you for all your wonderful comments, encouragement, and most of all...the wonderful photos and poems. Until we meet again...

Olivier said...

mauvais mois d'Avril, aprés le départ d'Annie de Little Rock, maintenant toi.
"Les rêves sont toujours des départs. " J.Mabit

bad months of April, after the departure of Annie Little Rock, now you.
"The dreams are always departure." J. Mabit

Denton said...

I will miss your photos and I suspect your extended leave of absence will be shorter than you think. I predict you will find you are as addicted to sharing photos as we are addicted to enjoying your photos ... Best wishes and auf weidersehen.

Anonymous said...

Sheesh - and just when I decided to pay a long overdue visit to have my peacefulness refreshed after all these intense European cities....

Bon voyage - a bientot!

Anonymous said...

... exit, pursued by a bear.

(Sorry I missed the previous Shakespeare allusions)

Felicia said...

Isabella, I've appreciated your artistry, witty humor, and sunshine. Know that you'll be missed! I too will say, until we meet again one day instead of goodbye. Best wishes to you!

isa said...

To Everyone - how lovely to have you all stop by and voice your sentiments.
Let me quote Richard Bach:
"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends."
Until then, my friends...

Radman said...


Anonymous said...

Hello! Is anybody here?

Where did everyone go? Where is Isabella?


I'm so lonely
Isabella, please come back :-(

Shammickite said...

I will miss your brightly coloured photos and your intelligent posts.
Hope to see you back soon!

Michael Salone said...

what? What? WHAT?????

You can't do this Isabella! I may not comment all the time, but I do LOVE your blog and the memories you bring me. I must have missed the reason you're leaving us desperate for our daily Naples fix?

ft. lauderdale daily photo said...

I am late in realizing you are gone! I have so enjoyed your wonderful blog. Can't wait to see your work again soon. Cheers and good luck from the other side of Alligator Alley.

Z said...

Oh, Pretty Izzy, who shall speak for Al now that you're on break?

I'll look forward to greeting you in Switzerland whenever you come to visit! Hope you're enjoying whatever project you're involved in now.

Adie (Swiss German) Isabella!

Z in Villigen

Dsole said...

Isabella, enjoy now your free time!
It was sooo nice to share many moments of Naples in your pics. I hope you come and visit some day. Thanks for your sense of humor and your great posts!
Have such a nice blog-vacation!
Hope we see you very soon! :)

PeterParis said...

Dear Isabella,

I'm a bit late... was away.

Too bad you are leaving us - hopefully only for a while! I so much enjoyed reading your posts and your comments on my blog and elsewhere!!

Trust to hear from you somehow, now and then! ... and, please, don't forget to contact me when you are back in Paris!

Yes, "live, love and laugh" is the most important! All the best!!!

Rob said...

Sorry to see you go as I just return. Hope to see your return.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your break but come back soon.

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Dear Isabella.
for your wonderfull views of your Florida, for your photography and poems, for your love for animals, for visiting my blog, for your friendship,for your animal award.

I wish you all the bet, all my love and happyness in life, I missed you and I will miss you in the future. But I'll understand and respect your decesion. maybe I'll do the same one day... Just a break is always refreshing.

You are welcome anytime to visit my blog dear Isabella. I'll keep good memories at your blog-friendship. THANKS and hug.

With love JoAnn and her DOG IOSje(from Holland)

Anonymous said...


You have such a beautiful name and a wonderful eye. I want you to know that I just finished school, and the photos on your blog helped me get through. I plan to move to the Naples area in
August, and I have suffered through three brutal Michigan winters. Coming to see your beautiful photos of Naples seriously helped me through these cold, dark winters.

I'm sorry to see you go. All the best to you.

Uma por Dia said...

Congrats and thanks :)

jessica said...

beautiful last shot.
enjoy your break. recharge, relax.

Olivier said...

je sais pas si tu lis encore les commentaires, mais j'avais envie de te dire un petit bonjour et la semaine prochaine je vais voir Milteau.
J'espere a bientot

Ming the Merciless said...

I just wanted to stop by and say HI.

Hope all is well with you and your menagerie of pets. :-)

Denise/CT said...

I only sign in from time to time, but enjoy taking the break and looking at all the photos of the area I love so much. I'll miss your blog. I hope you will return.

Matangi Mawley said...

fabulous pictures..

Anonymous said...

:( I just found you today and now you are gone?!!!! Sitka recommended you!

Nicole said...

I used to live in Florida. What a beautiful sunset. I miss that. You should post this picture on a new travel site I found Its a pretty cool site.

Anonymous said...

great blog. Im a graphic designer and would love to work with you sometime.

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

Oh what a shame. You have a lovely blog. You were also one of my first commenters over 2 years ago! Thank you.

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

It's almost one year you left and I miss your photos, your captions and your comments as one year ago. By the way I really hope you're well that this is what it counts more !

Jilly said...

Isabella, Just hello and we miss you. Do hope you are well, dear Isabella. I think of you often. J xxx

Anonymous said...

Isabella, I don't know you, but I run a company that helps people relocate to Naples(by identifying employment opportunities). Your page helps me show them what a beautiful place we live in!
Mike Brown
BanyanBrown Solutions, Inc.

Tim Ryan said...

I have been a lurker for a long time but just realized this happened. Anyways, thanks for the 400 posts. I don't think I've read them all yet but I'm well on my way. Can't wait to see what comes out of you next.

Singapore Photography said...

Ohh my. I've only just stumbleupon your site. Great photos nonetheless :)