Saturday, October 13, 2007

Shade seekers #6

Promenade at Bonita Bay

And finally, when all else fails, you can always find relief at the local mall. For yourself...and your wallet ;-)

"Strange animal facts" #7:
The female pigeon cannot lay eggs if she is alone. In order for her ovaries to function, she must be able to see another pigeon.


Anonymous said...

As for those pigeons, now I know why so damn many of them are in all the major cities of the world. "Go to Paris, hatch your egg in the shadow of Le Tour Eiffel!" or some such.

Chris said...

I was at the shopping center after Christmas last year, Isabella! Funny story: We parked next to a PT Cruiser convertible that had the top down. While we shopping, a storm rolled in and dumped a quick - but heavy - rain on the area. . .and that Cruiser! I would like to have seen what the owner did when she got back to the completely soaked car!

Janet said...

Pretty walkway. No wonder folks like to shop!

WichitaKsDailyPhoto said...

You have a lovely blog, so many pretty buildings, flowers, birds, sunshine and shade.

Nikon said...

Nice angles & light & shade to the photo.

Anonymous said...

People do seek the shade in Florida and everywhere else. I guess it is our human condition. It was so hot here and so dry for so long that we longed for shade, and cool temps. Now it is in the 40s and we have the furnace on and complain about the cold. Never satisfied since we lost our body hair and are mostly naked.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

its no longer shade-seeking time here...i woke up to a chilly morning today !!! :) :)
While I always run away from showing how hot it can get in these parts, you are always showing the sun to your visitors, no wonder a clueless Joann once wondered aloud on my blog, If we inhabit the same!!!!!

Have a great Sat., Isabella :)

Anonymous said...

There's something odd abut this. I always assumed that air-conditioning doesn't work outdoors, and I'm wondering how effect a fan is. Is it just for show?

I read somewhere that pigeons only have two broods a year. This makes me think that all the efforts that the males always seem to be making must be fatally flawed. I find this business of only being able to conceive when someone else is watching rather perverted.

JaamZIN said...

and dont be surprised if your wallet will be more slim:)

Ming the Merciless said...

Yikes! Can you imagine what the mama pigeon said to the little girl pigeons?

"Stop looking at the boys or you'll get pregnant." :-)

Jilly said...

Lovely photo, as always. As others have said, no wonder there are so many damn pigeons about...

sonia a. mascaro said...

What a beautiful tropical ambiance, Isabella. Would be so nice to shopping and to dinner on that place! Great photo!

GMG said...

Ming said it all...
(Your neglecting excuses accepted...)!
Have a great week!


I love your shade seekers series Isabella! Here in Poland we need heat seekers...especially in the middle of winter. But then being Polish know all about that!! Pop over we have a special competition about a donkey of all things! You never know you could win a prize!!

JAM said...

Even us guys can appreciate the benefits of retail therapy.